Bathing your baby will be a daily ritual until the age of one. And because when it’s the first baby, the first baths will seem like a baccalaureate or licensing exam to new parents, we’ve prepared below, in a few simple and easy steps, a description of the daily ritual.
A suitable temperature for the baby’s room is 21-24°C and the optimum humidity is 50-60%. In the room where the bath is to be taken (newborn room or bathroom) the temperature can be increased to 25-26°C. A great help in indicating room temperature and humidity is the TFA hygrometer, which was voted the best in 2018, according to the website ““.
Prepare the tub of water, in which the coloured sponge, Tega Baby or Sensillo, is placed, which will hug the baby like a little prince:
The water temperature will be checked to be 36-37°C using thermometers of different shapes and colours:
Wash the baby’s body and then hair, gently, like a caress, insisting on the folds, with a body and hair cleansing lotion. It is only necessary to use special baby cosmetics.
We rinse her hair with the BabyOno rinsing cup, which comes in different colours and has a soft plastic part that moulds perfectly to the shape of baby’s tick.
Take the baby out of the nappy and wipe it very gently by dabbing (without rubbing), starting with the head and ending with the feet, using a soft, absorbent cotton towel:
Ears are cleaned with special baby ear sticks with a stopper. The pinna and outer ear should be gently wiped with a corner of a towel or cotton nappy.
We clean his eyes from the external to the internal angle with sterile compresses moistened with saline.
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The nose can also be cleansed with saline and the mucus soaked in saline is pulled out of the nose with sterile compresses. I should mention that my son did not like this operation at all and charged us audibly every time. ???? Otherwise, the mucus in the nose can also be aspirated with a nose pump:
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Massage the baby with lotion or body oil. It is only necessary to use special baby cosmetics.
In the first few days, until the umbilical cord dries out and falls off, ask a health professional for advice on how to groom it. It can be cleaned very gently (touch) with rubbing alcohol or Betadine solution and sprinkled with Baneocin powder, but only on the advice of a doctor, and these can be obtained from any pharmacy. Ask your doctor how many times a day you need to do this, until the umbilicus falls off (7-10 days).
A Pampers or Huggies size 1 nappy can be put on, these sizes are suitable for normal weight newborns (over 3kg) and the bottom is given with Bepanthen cream from the pharmacy or a marigold cream.
We dress him up and ready to bathe our baby!
The natural hair brush will give our little one or two a feeling of well-being by gently massaging the scalp.
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Once a week or whenever needed, we’ll trim our little wonder’s nails. Personally, I used to do it during a daytime nap so I could get some natural light. I usually used a nail clipper to cut her fingernails and rounded tipped scissors, especially for babies, for her toenails.
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And also for your baby you may need: